Restoring our Lawful Government
of the People, by the People and for the People

Listed below are some of the questions people ask about becoming an American State National.
Why change my status and join a State Jural Assembly?
By serving our States of the Union as State Jural Assembly members we breathe life back into our government "of the people, by the people, and for the people"--which is by definition not a government "of the persons, by
the persons and for the persons" subject to the Queen and the Pope. The State Jural Assembly takes up
judicial issues that affect the People of the State and the enforcement of the Public Law, including
enforcement of the Constitutions and running the People's Court and elections related to the Courts and Peacekeeping functions and officials. As a State Jural Assembly Member you are also pre-qualified to function as a County Jural Assembly member, and vice-versa, so you may be called upon to help fill the local jury pools as a Trial Juror or as a member of the County Grand Jury, too. State Jural Assemblies enforce the Public and Organic Law. They are enabled to address the Public Law and the Facts of individual cases, both.
There are a lot of different groups promoting different agendas—i.e. New York Militia, sovereign citizens, activists groups and such— how is this any different and how is it not considered dangerous as insurrectionist of the current federal government?
Many of these groups all promote some form of the truth— being the people should be in control of their
own lives. What most of these groups are not aware of is that they have all been misidentified as the employees, dependents or welfare recipients. When these groups bring action it appears to the Feds to be ungrateful and in rebellion of that which they depend on. Since American State Nationals are in fact the employers that all power derives from, it is simply our position to direct them, not to overthrow or attack the Federal service providers. We work with the service providers using legal/lawful processes for the greater good of all.
I am a Federal Employee am I able to declare my status?
We have a lot of American Federal Employees who are left at risk, too, and they need a different Declaration
to maintain their State National status while employed by Federal entities. This is a special variation of the 1779 Declaration that retains allegiance as a State National (not State Citizen---which requires unique allegiance to the State) while working in a Federal job.
Why do I have to do paperwork to correct my status, I was born in America?
You have been deliberately classified as a PERSON as opposed to one of the people and considered a U.S. Citizen of some brand or another— Federal Employee or Dependent of the United States — owned by the governmental service corporation to back its ever-growing-never-ending “National Debt”. They will enforce
this presumption to no end unless you declare it false on the record.
How do we protect our children in the streamlined process?
Children will be protected by the Baby Land Deed. Having that recorded before age 21 will protect them for life. If the children are older, they will need to do their own paperwork.
How will doing the paperwork effect my current arrangements, such as retirement plans, 401K, IRA, insurance, drivers license, etc.?
Most all these arrangements are private agreements that you paid into, they are still owed to you no matter what your status is. We encourage everyone to make their transition into their proper status at the pace they are comfortable with. The further along in life you are the more layers that will have to be peeled back and dissected; we have simple approaches for each. Once you have taken control of your PERSON you can
now choose how to operate “within” the system without being “apart of it”.
How will I live in this world without their money?
While we will be working on setting up asset backed currency and mercantile banking system, it is important to understand that once you have your paperwork completed and you control the PERSON they named after you, you also control the assets and money transferred using that PERSON. In the 1930’s when the monetary system got turned upside down, they had to provide a remedy. The 1934 Emergency Banking Act was the remedy set in place by the Congress at the time. You will send notice to your bank with a registered letter w/return receipt. The letter will state who you are, how money is to be denominated, and the account is
private property.
If income tax is voluntary to non-employees/dependents, what will fund the government?
Income tax does not and never did technically fund the government, it was most recently setup as a
voluntary war tax. Since the 1930’s we have not been operating under The Constitution or using asset
backed money. The values they now create are mostly siphoned off to big corporations providing some service or another. The corporations are governing themselves so they simply print money, rig commodities and stack the markets as they see most profitable. The entire Federal Government was actually originally setup to be funded by a “Sin Tax”-transport/manufacturing of tobacco, alcohol, and firearms. Wealth is whatever we believe it is, as State Assemblies, we can choose what tokens we use to represent value and what our States actual value of resources is and should be.
How do I protect my family and assets?
We are working on a simple commercial lien in the long-run but in the meantime the paperwork is all you
need. For those deeply entrenched we recommend the long form refereed to as the 928 Package. You will claim all the Names and assets associated. You Record everything you own and that will counter all the Registrations. Registrations transfer ownership, while Recording enforces ownership.
What will happen to community outreach programs- welfare assistance, health care, housing, etc?
Although there may be some programs still available as there will still be employees, dependents, and
welfare recipients of the federal government, much of these programs will wind down. As we work to rebuild ourselves and our communities, many new options will be presented to us. Once churches correct the
mistake of incorporating as 501c3’s, they can now use their in-house resources to directly fund community outreach programs. Many of them already have multi-functional buildings and connections with many in the community that have a desire to help. Additionally, those that are no longer burdened with excessive tax
and regulations will now have time and resources to establish education and skill building throughout the community to give people new vision and a joyous purpose building a better future for all.
What about safety enforcement on food, drugs, traffic, criminals, etc.?
Again, through education many of these issues will become common sense. Sheriffs and Justices of the
Peace will all be elected by the assemblies along with Continental Marshals. Despite what the mainstream news tends to focus on, we live in a safer time than most of history. Most small business owners know that if they do not offer a quality product they will lose all their business; the problem has been big business hiding behind the corporate veil to avoid liability. The assemblies can create educational programs for safety of
food, farming practices, traffic, and how to handle criminals based on the crimes committed. It is better for
the well-being of all to keep these issues at a local level. Otherwise, we end up with regulations that don’t apply to our specific circumstances and for-profit prisons filled with “criminals” of victimless crimes just as
we have now.